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SlipAngle /// Episode 305 - SYM TV Founder - Kyle Heyer (Copy)


SlipAngle /// Episode 305 - SYM TV Founder - Kyle Heyer (Copy)

Abrin Schmucker


Episode 305 - In early 2018, Kyle Heyer founded an eSports broadcasting group called SYM TV. He and Finian Dcunha provide the most pro-level commentary for iRacing that we've seen. While still in college, the team crossed over and made their way into the #GRIDLIFE ecosystem during 2019. They've added a ton depth to the GRIDLIFE live stream for GLTC races, and we are looking forward to seeing what they can do in 2020. 

SlipAngle and Apex Pro have partnered together to help make drivers faster. Special pricing on their data bundles are available to SlipAngle listeners at the link below: